
Sugar: The science behind your cravings

ARE YOU CRAVING SUGAR?  One of the most common cravings is sugar.  In recent years, articles in the press have suggested sugar is as addictive as class A drugs.  How true is that really? Or, have you simply been making excuses for your lack of willpower? You’ll be glad to know there is much more to it…

Chronic use of painkillers and the risks they pose to our health

Living with chronic pain is no joke. It affects our outlook on life, it stops us from doing the activities we enjoy most and our state of mind. Painkillers such as paracetamol and ibuprofen have their place, in that some days you just need to go through a day without pain, but…they are not what…

Getting out and about and absorbing the sunshine vitamin

It probably hasn’t gone unnoticed that it’s a beautiful day today. It feels like Spring has sprung, the flowers are starting to bud, there are people out and about with a smile, more eye contact and interaction. I’ve just come back from a jaunt into town to get a few bits and pieces, the buskers…

Shrove Tuesday and St David’s Day – Pancake recipes

With the girls packed off to nursery dressed in their traditional Welsh lady outfits and me here, with the morning to work on my blog and newsletter materials I feel it only makes sense to post two good (and slightly different from the usual) pancake recipes. Ayurvedic Turmeric Pancakes 4.5oz spelt flour 4.5oz buckwheat or…

My love for mushrooms and wild food

Autumn is a lovely season for mushroom foraging. I love the crisp autumnal air, the colours and textures of the environment. I love finding absolute gems like the Fly Agaric (The classic toadstool), the Amethyst Deceiver, and the shaggy ink caps. But of course finding the culinary and medicinal ones is always a delight. Most…

Root Nutrition

Hello, My name’s Ruth and I’m a Naturopathic Nutritionist based in the beautiful foothills of Abergavenny in Monmouthshire, Wales. I’m a mum to twin girls aged almost three, a lover of scandi clothing, foraging and Ayurveda.  My interest in health and wellbeing began in my twenties. I had suffered gastritis, acid reflux and IBS. I…

Pictured is the Parasol mushroom – by it’s very definition, its stands tall amongst other types with a huge parasol like cap and a ring around the top half of the stipe. It’s completely edible and tastes lovely lightly fried with egg and breadcrumbs.

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Lions Mane is one of the “Holy Grails” of mushroom foraging and can be found here in the UK however it is protected, being an endangered and rare species. It has recently been found to have neuro-protective qualities with links to preventing Alzheimers by enhancing memory function.

Turkey Tail is another hailed mushroom with potent healing properties. It has been used successfully alongside cancer treatments to restore health in patients in advanced stages of the disease.

Mushrooms are incredible and have truly powerful healing properties. I will post a recipe of a wonderful and nutritious tridoshic wild mushroom curry in my recipes page so keep a look out.

There are less known and more culinary types of mushroom such as penny buns, scarlet elf cups, jelly ears and morels. To stumble upon any one of these is still hugely rewarding if you’re a keen forager.